October 21, 2024

Harris Mocks Christians

Kamala Harris has revealed her absolute hatred toward Christians while speaking at her most recent rally in Wisconsin where she very sarcastically mocked Christians. At this rally, one of two Christian college students yelled out, "Jesus is LORD"!  Harris responded by saying, in a very sarcastic tone, "You're at the wrong rally." She then waved goodbye with a smirk on her face as the police escorted the two students out of the building. Then she stated, "I think you meant to go to the smaller rally down the street."  
As could be expected, the young atheist crowd erupted in loud cheers. The clip of her saying this is linked here.

Just a day or so later, in a desperate attempt to recover from her colossal failure, she did a series of speaking events at churches in Atlanta.

PEOPLE, this woman is a very serious threat to our safety in America. She is literally the enemy within. Don't be fooled by her narcissistic charm. 

January 21, 2023

In 1976 "Swine Flu" Jabs Caused Heart Attacks - Nothing has Changed!

Back in1976 it was actually in the mainstream media that health officials halted the "swine flu" jabs because they recognized that people were dying of heart attacks just hours after getting the jab. 

View the mainstream media news clip here.

If you're paying attention, you'll connect the dots on how the criminal masterminds kept perfecting their bioweapon over the years so that people wouldn't die of a heart attack until weeks or months after the jab so as to avoid the obvious connection between the jab and the heart attacks.
I can't stress to you enough: STOP getting yourself and your kids injected with flu jabs and other "immunizations" because they are all poisonous to your health and those around you. You don't need them in order to stay healthy. Find out how to stay healthy and never live in fear of getting sick at: FreedomFromCoronaVirus.com

March 3, 2022

Middle School Student Reveals How Masks are Harming Children

A middle school student from New York sketched this drawing. What a powerful message that reveals how masks are suppressing our freedom of speech and harming our children. It's time to take off the germ-infested useless muzzle diaper from your face! 

August 3, 2021

Judge Exposes the Fraud in our Courts

 Americans have been defrauded for a very long time in our courts, regardless of anyone's political or religious affiliations. In 2013, this retired judge, Judge Dale, decided to expose the massive fraud. Read the following original article to find out all the details, as well as, the remedy for breaking free from this tyranny and reclaiming your freedom.   

April 20, 2021

Unvaccinated Women Report Miscarriages After Interactions with Vaccinated People

There are more and more reports surfacing about unvaccinated women having miscarriages after they have been in contact with vaccinated people. This is very alarming. The Covid 19 vaccine is an experimental vaccine and will be in the test trials stage until 2023. Vaccines are **NOT** safe. It's very important that we all do our part to proactively inform others about these reports, so please read the following article for more details and then share it with your friends and family: Unvaccinated Women Report Miscarriages After Interactions with Vaccinated People

To find out how to properly mitigate Corona virus or any other virus, please refer to the following article: Freedom From Corona Virus

April 6, 2021

Border Crisis: Illegals are Flooding Into Texas

Women Fighting For America reported live (on March 25, 2021) from the Laredo, Texas border, showing how illegals are flooding into Texas. The illegals are being funded by global oligarchs. This is a tactic out of the Communist Manifesto. This is how Dictators rise to power and destroy a sovereign nation. We The People of the U.S. are under attack. It's time for the Church to wake up and take action by engaging in the political process to ensure that only righteous men and women of God are in positions of authority. We all need to be speaking out against mask mandates and vaccines, too. Don't just watch the news—it's time for you to BE the news.

Click here to be directed to WFFA's Facebook page.

April 5, 2021

Corona Virus Event has NEVER, EVER Been About Your Health and Safety

Here's actual proof-positive that the entire Coronavirus Event has NEVER, EVER been about your health and safety. It's always been about CONTROL! Our freedoms are not endowed to us by the CDC! People, people, people: Wake Up!

In this very short video clip, CNN reporter, Leana Wen, states, ". . . make clear to them that the vaccine is the ticket back to pre-pandemic life. And the window to do that is really narrowing. You were mentioning, Chris, how all these states are reopening at 100% and we have a very narrow window to tie reopening policy to vaccination status because otherwise if everything is reopened, then what's the carrot going to be? How are we going to incentivize people to actually get the vaccine. So that's why I think the CDC and the Biden administration need to come out a lot bolder and say, 'If you're vaccinated, you can do all these things. Here are all these freedoms that you have.' Because otherwise people are going to go out and enjoy these freedoms anyway."

I'm prayerful that Leana Wen will have an epiphany soon and realize from her own words what she has revealed about the truth behind the Corona virus event. 

March 30, 2021

Birth Services are Violating Medical Privacy Law

The Moms For Freedom group in Tampa, Florida has put out the following call-to-action on their Facebook page:

"Please call & email and share this Call to Action!

Buddha Belly Birth Services is a Doula agency that matches moms with birth doulas, childbirth educators, lactation specialists, or placenta encapsulation specialists. They are currently asking their private contractor Doulas to disclose their vaccination status because parents are calling to ask for vaccinated doulas only.

Please keep in mind that many of their contractors are also nursing mothers. Safety and efficacy of this vaccine has not been proven for lactating mothers or their babies."

This is why I've been fighting to get rid of the mask mandate in Hillsborough County, Florida. The masks have always been a precursor of compliance to get people to peacefully comply with vaccine mandates. And those who don't comply with vaccine mandates will be shunned out of society just like the Jews were shunned during the Holocaust. Communism doesn't arrive over night—it's a gradual process of peaceful compliance until you're stripped of all of your liberties. If you live in Hillsborough County, contact me to get on my activism list to join our group of Freedom Loving Friends where we go out and empower people to break free from mask slavery. We also attend local government meetings such as city council, county board of commissioners and the school board to speak out against their tyrannical ordinances and regulations.