Fermented foods and drinks are very rich in vitamin C, pre-biotics and pro-biotics. Bone broth is also very rich in pro-biotics and Zinc.
Some examples of fermented foods and drinks are pickles, olives, sauerkraut, horseradish, raw apple cider vinegar, kombucha, kefir and more.
Foods rich in Vitamin D include mushrooms, eggs, fish (particularly salmon), raw honey and more.
Foods rich in Zinc include garlic, peas, beans, pumpkin seeds, cashews, sunflower seeds, pecans, flax seeds, almonds, cocoa and more.
This should already be common knowledge in our society. People need to be empowered with this scientific nutritional information so that they can manage their own personal healthcare with success.
Your body has a powerful built-in immune system to fight off foreign organisms that invade your body. And in order for your immune system to successfully fight off foreign organisms, your body **MUST** be equipped with the proper nutrition in your bloodstream.
So go down the condiments aisle and the produce aisle at the grocery store and find a variety of fermented foods and raw fruits and vegetables and nuts and seeds to snack on instead of chips or other processed foods. Avoid fast food places as much as possible. Start enjoying pickles and olives with your sandwiches. Substitute bone broth in your soups, stuffing and dinner recipes in place of water. Spread some raw honey on your toast instead of jelly. And take a spoonful of raw apple cider vinegar once a day or several times a week before your meals.
Drinks like kombucha can be found in the refrigerated drinks section of the produce section of the store.
Knowledge is POWER! Do more research online. And pass this information on to all your friends and family so everyone can remain healthy and FREE from the coronavirus and other foreign organisms.
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."
(2 Timothy 1:7)