December 16, 2020

What's Happening in America and How to Take it Back

The following interview with Dr. Shiva contains valuable information. It's worth your time to watch this 50-minute interview. 

He goes into medical and scientific detail on the following topics:
  1. How the elite across the world and Big Pharma are pushing fake science to keep us in fear.
  2. How the immune system functions; how masks don’t work and are damaging people's oral health; and how Anthony Fauci is **not** a scientist—he's a fear-mongering, public relations machine for himself and Big Pharma.
  3. How the election process is **not** a one-vote, one-person system; that it's an algorithm the elite created to control the election process; that this is how the Right and the Left elites have been colluding together to abuse and enslave the working class and small business owners.
  4. He explains how all patriots need to learn the art of politics and get involved in politics in their **local** and state levels of government. He has a training course that teaches people the science of politics.
Please take the time to watch this interview. Then pass it on to your friends and family. And then learn more on how to engage in the political process and get others involved, too. 

Freedom is not free. If righteous people don't stay vigilant to maintain their freedom, then we will lose it to those who are hungry for power, notoriety and money.

Click here to view the interview directly on the X22 Report website.